번호 분류 제목 출처 등록일 조회수
2947 국내

일본, 암세포 겨냥 방사선 치료제 개발

아주경제 2017-03-15 5215
2946 국내

체내 염증만 스마트하게 보여주는 방사성의약품 등장

정책브리핑 2017-03-15 5977
2945 국외

Scientists Create New Technique For Imaging Living Cells Beneath Skin

hngn 2017-03-15 5154
2944 국외

Genetic variation and dopamine D2 receptor availability: a systematic review and meta-analysis of human in vivo molecular imaging studies

Nature 2017-03-15 5915
2943 국외

TRACK ALS Succeeds in Measuring Brain Inflammation Using a PET Scan and Biomarker

alsnewstoday 2017-03-15 5178
2942 국외

PET Determines Effectiveness of Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment

diagnosticimaging 2017-03-15 5048
2941 국외

PET/MR Enterography for Stricture Differentiation in Crohn Disease

diagnosticimaging 2017-03-15 5083
2940 국외

A new potential biomarker for cancer imaging

medicalxpress 2017-03-15 4985
2939 국외

Antibody provide a more exact Alzheimer‘s diagnosis radioactive tracers

medicalxpress 2017-03-15 4979
2938 국외

PET imaging with special tracer can detect, diagnose early Alzheimer‘s disease

sciencedaily 2017-03-15 5619