
전체 2967개, 현재 146 / 전체 297페이지

동향 리스트
번호 분류 제목 출처 등록일 조회수
1517 pharmacokinetics Phase I Study of Single-Agent AZD1775 (MK-1775), a Wee1 Kinase Inhibitor, in Patients With Refractory Solid Tumors. J Clin Oncol 2015-09-24 1362
1516 14-C Tissue uptake, distribution and elimination of (14)C-PFOA in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Aquat Toxicol. 2015-09-24 1305
1515 14-C Radiocarbon concentration in modern tree rings from Fukushima, Japan. Xu S 외 9명 2015-09-24 1241
1514 14-C MS565: A SPECT Tracer for Evaluating the Brain Penetration of BAF312 (Siponimod). ChemMedChem 2015-09-24 1330
1513 14-C Biocatalyzed approach for the surface functionalization of poly(L-lactic acid) films using hydrolytic enzymes. Biotechnol J 2015-09-24 1276
1512 14-C Synthesis of deleobuvir, a potent hepatitis C virus polymerase inhibitor, and its major metabolites labeled with carbon-13 and carbon-14. J Labelled Comp Radiopharm 2015-09-24 1275
1511 14-C Fistulains A and B, New Bischromones from the Bark of Cassia fistula, and Their Activities Org Lett 2015-09-24 1339
1510 ADME Discovery of a Novel Series of Thienopyrimidine as Highly Potent and Selective PI3K Inhibitors. ACS Med Chem Lett. 2015-09-20 1296
1509 ADME Inhibition of Human Prolyl Oligopeptidase Activity by the Cyclotide Psysol 2 Isolated from Psychotria solitudinum. J Nat Prod. 2015-09-20 1374
1508 ADME Effect of deuteration on metabolism and clearance of Nerispirdine (HP184) and AVE5638. Bioorg Med Chem 2015-09-20 1320