동향 내용
Scientists Create New Technique For Imaging Living Cells Beneath Skin
분류 PET Molecular Imaging 조회 5157
발행년도 2016 등록일 2017-03-15
출처 hngn (바로가기)
Scientists at Stanford University have developed a new technique for imaging cells and tissues under the skin that could be huge when it comes to finding and treating diseases. The method could help researchers learn a bit more about how cells, or even molecules, function in living creatures. The new technique is called MOZART, which is short for Molecular imagine and characterization of tissue noninvasively At cellular ResoluTion. In theory, this technique could one day allow researchers to detect tumors in the skin, colon or esophagus, or even see abnormal blood vessels that appear in the early stages of macular degeneration.


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