동향 내용
Molecular mechanism matters: Benefits of mechanistic computational models for drug development.
분류 drug development 조회 1489
발행년도 2015 등록일 2015-10-10
출처 Pharmacol Res (바로가기)
Making drug development a more efficient and cost-effective process will have a transformative effect on human health. A key, yet underutilized, tool to aid in this transformation is mechanistic computational modeling. By incorporating decades of hard-won prior knowledge of molecular interactions, cellular signaling, and cellular behavior, mechanistic models can achieve a level of predictiveness that is not feasible using solely empirical characterization of drug pharmacodynamics. These models can integrate diverse types of data from cell culture and animal experiments, including high-throughput systems biology experiments, and translate the results into the context of human disease. This provides a framework for identification of new drug targets, measurable biomarkers for drug action in target tissues, and patient populations for which a drug is likely to be effective or ineffective.


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